How it Works

Go from renter to owner.

The commercial real estate market is designed to keep you renting. Here's how we break the cycle.

Level up from renter to owner, with experts on your team at every step.

Step 1

You apply in minutes.

Running a business is a 24/7 job. So we made putting together your “paperwork” as easy as a few clicks. Link tools you already use to run your business and drag-and-drop your lease. It’s 100% free and confidential.

Step 2

We give it to you straight.

We’ll help you understand the health of your lease(s) and what you can — and should — pay for a building you’re interested in owning. We arm you with personalized insights to understand the real estate relationships you’re already in.

Step 3

We build your best strategy.

If you’re still looking for the right property or want to know your options, we’ll source properties that fit your specifications and budget. We recommend a course of action, make offers, and handle the negotiations with landlords.

Step 4

We buy the building for you.

After an accepted offer, we finalize our terms — rent, buyback price, and appreciation — and run property due diligence to settle any issues with the building pre-purchase. We stay organized and educate you on key decisions we’re making along the way.

Step 5

You rent as the future owner.

You begin your 10 year lease, offering you long-term security. Each year you rent, we contribute 2% of the buyback price towards your down payment credit. Within 5 years you have a 10% credit to purchase the building.

Step 6

You buyback the building.

It’s your time to buy with your 10% down payment credit. We connect you with vetted lenders and help you get mortgage-ready, including for the Small Business Administration’s small business friendly loan program.

Learn even more about our process.

How do I know if my business is a fit for withco?

We partner with businesses of all sizes, including those with multiple locations and those looking to expand. We look at your financials, operating history, and credit score to see if you’re a good fit for withco. We typically look for businesses with an annual revenue of $500,000 or more, 2 years or more of operating history, and a credit score of 700 or more. However, we encourage you to apply even if you don’t meet all of the qualifications, as we look at each application holistically and are continuously working to serve more types of partners.

How does withco make money?

withco is focused on creating win-win solutions with our partners on their path to ownership. We invest money to purchase your building, and earn a return through rent payments, and upon the sale of the building to our partners should they elect to purchase.

How do you determine my rent?

We want our partners to be successful in the spaces we partner on. We look at a variety of factors, including market rent, and the rent that your business can support throughout the life of our partnership. You’ll have full transparency into your anticipated payments well before we finalize agreements.

How do you determine my year 5 buyback price?

withco sets the year 5 buyback price upfront so our partners know where they stand and have a clear pathway to prepare for ownership. Similar to determining rent, we look at a variety of factors when determining the year 5 buybox price. Those factors include withco’s upfront purchase price of the building, withco’s expectations for the value of the property, and your business’ ability to financially support ownership at the year 5 price. Keep in mind that your purchase option does not need to be exercised if you feel it’s not the best time.

What if I want to buy my property before or after the 5 year mark?

Our typical term is 10-15 years with a purchase option in year 5. If you choose not to buy the property in year 5, the lease converts to the greater of a standard market lease or our lease with continued agreed upon rent appreciation. Our goal is to have you own the building, but you do have the flexibility to have a market long-term lease. On a case-by-case basis we would allow you to exercise the option prior to the 5 years.

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